WLW Football Rules and Guidelines |
These expectations are designed for you to get the most out of your football experience, and for the team to reach its highest potential.
“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing”- Rollo May
It is important that you communicate with your coaches. If you have a legitimate reason to be late or absent from the study table, meetings, or practice; the only way that it will be excused is if you appropriately notify a coach in an appropriate manner and amount of time.
If you have anything at all that is on your mind, we encourage you to discuss it with your coaches. We will do anything we can to help you.
Things to talk about with your coaches
• Concerns about your physical or mental health and well being
• Ways you can improve (what do I need to work on?)
• Concerns about school or grades
• Issues with teammates, other coaches, teachers, etc
• Issues at home
“On time is late and early is on time”- Bo Schembechler
Absences and tardiness to school and/or practice have a negative effect on your academics, your progress and preparation as a football player, and the success of the team. Make every effort to avoid missing practice or being late. We expect all players to be at every practice and game on time. Refer to wlwfootball.com for times and please plan ahead.
You must notify a coach in advance if you are going to be absent or tardy to any team function due to an EXCUSABLE reason, or your absence/tardy will be excused. See coach Cioroch to discuss exceptions of what are excusable and inexcusable reasons for absences and tardies.
Excusable absences
• Family Emergency
• Scheduled physical therapy
• Severe illness with a parent contact
• Meeting with a teacher with a note (get there after)
Inexcusable absences
• Detention/Suspension
• Work
• “don’t feel good”
• Injury
• Any tardy or absence without contacting a coach for approval
“What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to others” The Golden Rule- Confucius
You are expected to be a model citizen. Playing football comes with high expectations. You should show respect to everybody you come across. Disrespectful conduct to a teacher, classmate, coach, teammate, official, or opponent will result in a consequence.
Things that wont be accepted
Selfish or “me first” behavior
f or n words
negative body language
walking on field (lack of hustle)
helmet on ground
mouthpiece out during play
not participating in stretching
talking while a coach is talking to team
screwing around/horseplay
misusing equipment
leaving equipment out in locker room
Phone on field or at a meeting
Disrespect to a teacher, coach, adult, or teammate
improper or missing equipment
being disruptive in practice, study table, or film
Behavior in games
Playing in the game is what we work for all week, don’t ruin our chances of winning with poor behavior. If you demonstrate poor behavior in a game you will be immediately removed from the game and your chances of playing again in the game will decrease. Below are some things that you will not do as a Walled Lake Western Warrior.
• Speak to officials or any members of the other team
• “trash talk” opponents
• Talk to anybody in the stands during the game
• Discouraging your teammates or doing anything other than being a supporter of our team on the sideline
• Anything that draws undue attention to yourself (if you want attention go make a play). This includes but is not limited to:
1. taunting the other team
throwing water bottle, helmet, equipment
standing away from the rest of the team
excessively celebrating a score
You are responsible for the maintenance of your own equipment. Treat it well; it is designed to protect you. Pay extra attention to your helmet and make sure it has an appropriate amount of air on a daily basis. Never sit on, throw, or place your helmet on the ground. Make sure you are washing your practice and game uniforms after using them. Do not under any circumstances modify any of your equipment. (e.g. cutting belts, shaving down knee pads, or hemming jerseys). Any misuse or loss of equipment is your responsibility and can result in a fine.
“Learning is not a spectator sport- Anonymous”
You are a Student Athlete. The word student doesn’t come before athlete as a coincidence. You will be expected to try your hardest in class and make every effort to be as successful as you can. If you are struggling in a class there are ways to help yourself. We will have a study table multiple times a week where you can be assisted with your work. Students who do not take academics and study hall seriously will not play for us.
Per our district handbook, you are required to pass at least 4 of your 6 classes in order to play football. If you are unable to do so you will be academically ineligible. In some cases you are able to make up a failed class in summer school to become eligible. This is not a team policy, but rather a district policy, so there is absolutely no wiggle room.
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take it’s place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.``- Lance Armstrong
Football is a contact sport: you will get sore! It is important to understand the difference between pain and injury. Unfortunately, players do sometimes get injured. In the event of an injury, remember that the training room is not a hang out, if you need to be taped, you need to get to Katie's room at the appropriate time. Also if you are injured you are still a member of the team and are expected to be at practice helping the team any way you can.
Player Signature: ______________________________________
Parent Signature:_______________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________